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SoulCollage® | Practicing in Self Reflection
I love images because images, like symbols in dreams, are thresholds that lead to meaning, and images are where I begin.
The session starts by assigning an intention, question, or thought to the practice. From there, I guide you through a specific collage-building technique designed to help you connect to your unique self.
Through self reflection we learn what we care about, what truly matters to us. We learn more about ourselves and begin to express ourselves in this expanded way. A dialogue begins between the seed of possibility and the reality we want to live.
Building a SoulCollage® is another method I use to help individuals achieve a complete sense of vitality. I conduct biweekly and individual instruction and reflection sessions during the day and evening. I am also available to bring a SoulCollage® experience to your location.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 804.901.4583 to learn more!
Why people participate in dream work
“I have found that working with Cassandra and her unique process allows me to dive more deeply into the richness of my own consciousness. I am continually amazed at the information made available to me through doing ‘the work’ in a dream group. It’s become a primary means of guiding me as I venture ever deeper in my own Soul Work.”
- Linda
“Dream groups are not about analyzing or interpreting dreams, they are about gentle, safe, self discovery. The container that Cassandra creates keeps us all safe and free and that is magical.”
- MeMe
“It takes courage to overcome the fear of looking within, the groups help us find that courage.”
- MaryJo
“A dream is part of me. I have created this. Because I did, it must be telling me something. So it’s a way to learn something about myself.”
- Lolly
“In working through someone else’s dream I found value. We see ourselves in projections.”
- Toni
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”
- Joseph Campbell
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“Cassandra brings her lively interest and experience in the fields of dream, energy awareness and healing, symbology, and creative energy to fellow seekers who are interested in learning and applying these skills to living lives from the wisdom gamed from self awareness and connection with spirit.”
-Dream Group Participant
The Benefits of
Energy Work
Embrace life transitions with confidence and joy.
Explore and identify goals for intentional living.
Take responsibility for personal healing and wellness.
Create the meaning you want in your life.
Increase your connection to the source of spiritual inspiration.
Learn how to live more fully in a way that promotes emotional, social, spiritual and physical health.
Learn to use the gifts of embodied imagination for healing, creativity, and living a vital life.
“Exploration of dreams reveals the seeds of possibility. We notice that the surface of the water (our waking lives) is pushed up and down by what is going on in the depths (our dreams). Our goal is to embody both voices.”
- Cassandra Matt
Pathways For Healing
to learn more about Nervous System Energy Work visit this site >>
![]() understanding how to lead a life with a new reality based on “authentic self” |
![]() a new awareness of spiritual nature and connection |
![]() finding a connection to your unique self in a an embodied way |